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You will find everything to become a member of this Alliance on this page. Becoming a Member of the North American Pudelpointer Alliance (NAPPA) gives you Community, Education, and Support from like minded breeders with an aligned goal of producing the top performing Pudelpointers in North America.
Minimum Requirements for Membership
In order to be considered for Membership, you must have handled a dog you own in a NAVHDA Sanctioned Utility Test and received a Prize.
You must be an Avid hunter and regularly hunt the dogs you breed.​
You must be committed to a plan that extends beyond 1 litter.
The steps to joining are as follows:
Download, Fill out and Email the Application for Membership, two letters of recommendation from current NAPPA breeders. (These 2 breeders will also be your Mentors while in the Alliance). Email those three pieces together to
​Upon Approval of your application, you will then pay the membership dues.
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